Think about your top bucket list destination. You know, that one place you’ve always wanted to go? The first part is easy, but have you ever wondered about what this actually says about your personality?
Well, you’re in luck! Keep reading to find out more.
You dream of backpacking through Asia.
You are a full-on explorer who’s not afraid of anything, or anyone. Whether you’re travelling solo or with travel buddies, your bucket list is based on finding the most authentic experience possible and exploring the world through the eyes of the people who know it best – the locals who call it home.
Basically, you crave adventure and are supported by your complete independence. If there’s a traveller who’s truly learned how to cope with anything life throws at them, it’s you.
A grand tour of Europe is your idea of the perfect trip.
Ohhhh yes! You enjoy the best of both worlds featuring a touch of the night life and a love for all things culturally enriching. Also, you love history lessons and walking tours before hitting the town in the evening.
For the Europe lovers, a bucket list tour of the old continent is the perfect mix of incredible culture but at the same time providing a chance to explore some of the best nightlife this side of town. For 101 things to do in Europe this summer, read here.
You crave all things outdoors 24/7.
You are a fun-loving-sunshine-craving overall great person to be with. With a craving for sunshine and the beach life, and amazing bar and art scene, there is no other place for you to go than Australia.
Surfing during the day and hanging out in the evening is your idea of heaven.
You might even put on your explorer’s hat and venture into the outback.
Your taste buds are shouting out for the flavours of Japan.
You love to travel against the grain and go where others might not travel to. The best part about you? You love to experience things that are unique and let’s face it, sometimes just plain weird. Whether it’s the world’s top sushi, fermented fish or Tuna eyeballs, you’ll proudly try anything that you cross paths with.
After all, it’s the insatiable thirst for adventure that started it all and Japan’s intriguing culture is the perfect bucket list backdrop for your unique tastes.
You can’t get a road trip across the USA off your mind.
Your idea of fun is hopping from bar to bar, city to city, and coast to coast to hit all the craziest sites in the shortest amount of time possible. To be fair, your other loves also include amazing food and, sometimes, a touch of retail therapy.
You love to learn about history and culture on your travels as well but let’s be real, most of the time, you can be found right in the heart of any city, and we love that about you. To find out how to eat your way across the USA, read here.
You dream of exploring Canada’s epic mountains.
Oh hey there, nature-junkie. You’ve probably travelled (like, a lot) and now your bucket list is craving something more. Enter Canada, where you are invited to hike, kayak, bike, and ski until your heart’s content.
You will stop at nothing to go where not many people dare go and you understand that to truly experience a place, you don’t simply do a country – you live and breathe it. You, my friend, are seriously impressive.
You dream of one word: Africa.
You are a true animal lover and prefer exploring the stunning natural landscapes to weaving between the people on the streets of busy metropolitan cities.
You’re probably also a bit of an adrenaline junkie and though you know it’s super dangerous, you’re kind of hoping for a close encounter with a lion in the depths of Africa.
Definitely a David Attenborough admirer and probably a binocular owner, you are essentially a true explorer at heart.
You want to live the island hopping life in South-East Asia.
You are so in touch with your spiritual side, it’s almost scary. You love yoga at sunrise or long strolls in national parks and you’re not afraid of a good hike in search of a stunning view.
You love to keep active on your holiday but to be completely honest; sometimes you just want to lie on the beach with a cocktail in hand enjoying the breeze and the sound of the ocean waves crashing into the shore. Ahhhh. #Purebliss
Or, you simply want to travel the ENTIRE world.
We get each other, you and I. We’re like soulmates. Why would you stop at one country, one route, one continent, when you can go everywhere?
It might not be today. It might not be next year. It might not even happen ever. But you know what? We are never ever going to stop trying to make that bucket list dream into a reality.
To make your travel dreams a reality, click here.
Or, to read more about our top bucket list destinations for 2017, go here.