People who are having a worse trip than you
Sometimes things can go awry, be thankful this isn't you
Alessia Castiglione
June 7, 2016
The Perks of Travelling in Numbers
I never understood group travel. Why would you want to spend your hard-earned holiday funds gallivanting around Europe with a bunch of complete strangers? The thought of making awkward small talk while cooped up on a coach was not my idea of fun. Until I actually did it. It started with an unforgettable sailing trip […]
Alexandra Oke
June 2, 2016
8 European festivals you NEED to attend this year
You must go to at least 3.
Nicola Easterby
May 26, 2016
Why travel is the only thing you can buy that will make you richer
Flashy items may come and go, but travel memories are forever.
Desta Cullen
May 20, 2016
5 reasons to include social responsibility in your travels
Travelling responsibly is such an important topic that more people are trying to actively live through their travels.
Alessia Castiglione
May 16, 2016
10 reasons why you really shouldn’t bother travelling
Seriously, don’t even waste your time going overseas. You really won’t enjoy it.
Nicola Easterby
May 10, 2016