We found out that one of our topdeckers has been on 13 TOPDECK TRIPS. What a bloody legend. So, we had to reach out and see what makes Kevin keep comin back… 

Tell us about your love for travelling? 

“As soon as I flew into Rome for my first Topdeck (Delve Deep: Italy) I knew I was hooked! Nothing compares to dropping yourself into the middle of a place you’ve read about or seen on TV or in the movies a million times and actually getting to explore it all.  

Even the fanciest HD screen can’t compete with seeing the Sistine Chapel with your own eyes, hearing the splashing of the Trevi fountain as the surface is pelted with coins, and especially tasting the gelato for yourself!”  

Tell us about some of the Topdeck trips you’ve been on? 🌍 

IG: @nivekious

“It’s a long list! In Europe I did Delve Deep: Italy and Delve Deep: Britain and Ireland on my first trip. I went back down south for the New Zealand trip and also visited Asia for the first time on Delve Deep: Japan
This year I’ve done even more of Europe with Delve Deep: Iceland (Topdeck’s first post-pandemic trip!), Delve Deep: Spain and Portugal, and Delve Deep: Spain, Portugal, and Morocco. So a bit of Africa there too on that last one!” 

We wanna know what makes you keep coming back?  

“I’d say the biggest thing that brings me back to Topdeck is the people. I’ve made some really good friends on my Topdeck tours, some of whom I’ve since travelled to visit, shown around my own city, run into randomly in other countries, or even done additional Topdecks with!  

I was a little anxious about travelling on my own before my first trip, but I realized as soon as I started my tour that many of us were in the same boat and we were all like-minded people excited to see the world!” 

What is it about our trip style that you like? 

“I like that Topdeck gives me the opportunity to visit some out of the way places and experience the local culture in ways I couldn’t have on my own or with other tour companies. I’ve gotten to stay in a Maori Marae in New Zealand and a Buddhist monastery in Japan, and see smaller quieter towns in Europe like Lucca in Italy and Mostar in Bosnia that became some of my favorites. 
I love that Topdeck spends a few days in a lot of the bigger cities we visit and gives me free time to explore on my own. There’s just too much to see to get it all done in one day in most places and being able to split up and check out whatever I’m most interested in with a few others from the group instead of all having to follow one itinerary is great!” 

Are you gonna make it to 14? Which trip is on your radar ✈️ 

“Definitely, I’m not planning to stop any time soon! I’ve been eyeing both the Egypt and Turkey tours for a few years now. I always loved learning about ancient civilizations back in school and getting to see the Pyramids of Giza or the Hagia Sophia in person would just be unreal! But I may also wait a little longer on those to do Vietnam/Cambodia and Thailand first. I haven’t seen much of Asia yet, and I really loved my Japan tour, so I’d love to go back and explore that region”. 

Wanna be as well travelled as Kevin? Whether it’s your first or thirteenth trip, you’ll always find something new travelling with us.  

Check out our destinations here.