These days, nobody goes anywhere without their phones. Since this is the case, we might as well turn them into pocket travel guides, with everything from currency information to directions and recommendations. Read on for a definitive list on some of the best (and most forgotten about) travel apps you need for your next adventure!

1. Guides by Lonely Planet
If you are a fan of these in paperback (and even if you’re not), you’ll love this! Although it doesn’t have all city guides listed, most are within this little pocket tour guide. All free, you can temporarily download a city guide in the app and be fully equipped with maps of must-see destinations, places more off the beaten track, as well as any activity and bar recommendations! Of course, every location comes with a lovely write up, with a rough price range if applicable, along with opening hours and any links.
And just when you thought you heard it all, each city guide comes equipped with a rough budget for every price range, as well as currency, language and culture information.

2. Google Maps
A pretty obvious one, but perfect in (most) cities – Venice, I’m looking at you! You also have the option to download an area map offline, which is great when you don’t want to drain all your data getting to your lunch spot.
3. Rome2Rio
Also a website, Rome2Rio is great! Not for booking travel, but for knowing the best way to get to your chosen destination – both time and money-wise. It’s also a great way to get to know the bus and train companies in the city you’re visiting.

4. Skyscanner
A must-have for any traveller, Skyscanner is perfect for comparing flights, hotels and car rentals anywhere in the world! It’s a great way to save some pennies for other things to enjoy.
5. Flixbus
More Europe-specific, Flixbus is a seamless app that allows you to search, book and keep track of your tickets all in one place! Definitely the most economical way to get around.
6. Google Trips
This one’s a hidden gem for sure and works especially well if you have a Gmail account that can link to it to. It collates Google reviews and recommends places to go and things to see in the city you’re visiting. The link with the Gmail account is particularly handy since it enables the app to keep all of your accommodation, travel tickets and booking confirmations in one place. Genius!

7. Topdeck app
How could we tell you about the best travel apps and not include our very own Topdeck app? You’re right, we couldn’t! If you’ve booked a trip with Topdeck (or are planning to), it’s the perfect hub for all things trip related. You can chat with everyone from the tour before you get going, have the itinerary on hand any time you need, a map to help you hit the most-recommended spots, and even a budget tracker to keep your trip stress-free!
8. Passbook
Once you start using a passbook, you’ll never go back. It is the ultimate way to keep all of your tickets for everything in one place you’re definitely not going to lose. We’re talking all the benefits – making checking in at the airport and getting into your much-anticipated attractions a breeze – you name it, passbook can hold it.

9. XE currency
It’s definitely a consensus among travellers that currency apps are very easily forgotten. BUT, no need to fear, XE Currency is the perf currency app! It lets you check out conversion rates, whether you’re online or not! What more could you need in a currency app?
10. Splitwise
Travelling with a friend? Or a group of friends? Splitwise will become your must-have travel accessory. Although you can’t transfer money through the app, it’s an easy way to keep track of group expenses so that nobody is unlucky enough to end up paying for everything. Say goodbye to feeling awkward about chasing up money!
11. Google Photos
Another good one for groups, Google Photos lets you create a photo album for all those happy snaps and then everyone can be added into it. You’ll never be short of holiday pics again, nor will you have to ask your mates to send you their photos! Better yet, everyone gets notified when someone uploads to the album so no one will forget to throw their two cents in. Perfect!