Love is love and we’re allll about it at Topdeck. That’s why we wanna spotlight some of the LGBTQIA+ cities we hit on our tours (and specific gay towns that Hit. Different.) Ngl, not everywhere in the world accepts love with no limits, but these places are where it’s at. Want the tea? We’re bouta spill it.
London – Soho
Home to G-A-Y Bar, Heaven and Old Compton Street’s first ever lesbian bar aka She Soho, there’s a rainbow of nightlife to enjoy in Soho London. Wanna delve a little deeper? Vauxhall is Soho’s quirkier, edgier sis. There, you’ll find legendary cabaret, cocktails and clubbing scenes.
Amsterdam – Reguliersdwarsstrat
Amsterdam will wrap its welcoming arms around you whatever Pride flag you wave. Taking the crown for its famed LGBTQIA+ scene? Reguliersdwarsstrat. Proudly lined with colourful flags. Packed with queens and allies. And FULL of bangin’ bars – Taboo and Soho are MUSTS, just sayin’.
Berlin – Schöneberg
Did you know? The first gay and lesbian human rights organisation was founded in Schöneberg wayyyy back in 1897. Bet. No wonder it’s considered a legendary city for the girls and the gays. Whether your thing is leather, books or private cinemas (👀😏), you’re bouta find out how Berlin hits the spot.
Sweden – the whole country
Love is love in Sweden and it shows in every crevice of its capital. Hot spots that slap? Chokladkoppen (QT café), Side Track (Stockholm’s oldest gay bar) and Patricia (a club on a ship 🚢💃).
Paris – the Marais
With a bar called COX, it’s no wonder The Marais is the biggest hub for the LGBTQIA+ community. Head to the flag-filled district (we’re talkin’ roads, buildings, trees…) for a VIBE, day or night.
Cancun – El Centro
Soaking with sunshine and venues that SLAYYY, downtown El Centro is the place where you’ll have a flamboyant ball, darling. Aerobatics. Street performers. Drag queens. Need we say more?
Vancouver – Davie Village
Super LGBTQIA+-friendly, Davie Village is bouta become everyone’s BFF. It’s serving street parties, bars and shops sprinkled with Canadian charm.
Cape Town – De Waterkant
Calling boujee members of the community! Aside from late-night parties at Crew Bar (with the hottest staff apparently 😏), Pink Panther and Café Manhatthan, De Waterkant has an awesome coffee culture and plenty of shops to make yourself look like the snatched queens you are.
Middle East
Tel Aviv – everywhere!
You might be thinkin’ Middle East? Progressive? Truthbomb: not everywhere is as woke, but when in Tel Aviv, raise that flag HIGH. It’s an incred inclusive city all round. Wanna head to a sauna? If you’re gay and identify as male, Paradise is the place to be – a foam party may be on the cards too! Hitting Israel in June? Do not miss the main Pride party Tel Aviv. Open invitation, obvs.
Bangkok – Silom
In the heart of bustling Bangkok lies savage Silom. Crowded street stalls full of luxury goods. Gagging restaurants. In the centre of it all? Dead-ended alleyways alive with colour. You better werk that dancefloor when you hit the clubs there because these DJs take no prisoners.
Now you know where to release your real self when you travel with us.
What are you waiting for? Head to our trips and show off your PRIDE! 🏳️🌈