This cafe in London. It’s quaint AF.

Venice – we need to talk about this freaking private bridge thingo!? Honourable mention to the Italian Job inspired underground garage/alcove.

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The OTHER side of the Eiffel Tower. The less photographed side, ergo probably not as full of tourists = you can get a really nice photo of it’s butt. Bonuses with the Renaissance building and the whimsical trees and perfectly manicured Frenchiness.

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The Swiss Alps – too much of them to fit in one picture. Just look at that rugged beauty.

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Fondue of the real kind in Paree.

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This hidden canal in Amsterdam, perfectly composed with bike and small boat details.

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This Parisian cafe, perfect for people watching. Coiffed French women walking their poodles, older men playing chess and such. Florists handing out bunches of happiness. You know, average Paris.

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These perfect Niçois cliffsides.

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A real French patisserie. Just look at those pastry flakes.

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The cotton castles of Turkey. They are a thing.


The Florence Duomo. The visual treat that greets you at the top: a pano of the city. Also, having a sticky at those people on the other tower.

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Your own nook to see the Oia sunset.

The perfect little spot to see the Oia sunset - Santorini. (Shantanu)

A Veronese street chestnut roaster, fab for snacking on as you find Juliette’s balcony.

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This Croatian gelati stall. GELATI while you ponder the Game of Thrones sets. Is there anything better?

Croatia gelati stall (NE)

Cappadocia fairy chimneys, complete with hot air balloons in the background. And a marbled sky, for even more effect.

Cappadocia fairy chimneys (NE)

Just a pano of Paree from the Arc de Triomphe. #nobig

Just a pano of Paris from the Arch de triomphe (NE)

Lake Tuz. Not even filtered.

Lake Tuz (NE)

A market in Barcelona selling marzipan fruits. So you can still have “fruit” on holidays.

Barcelona marzipan fruits (NE)

Santorini doing “a sleepy little Greek hillside” on point.

The sleepy little town of Santorini (NE)

Zack Arp.
Nicola Easterby.
Shantanu Starick.


Alessia Castiglione
Alessia (not Alesha – please) is a serious Wicked fan and occasionally spends her time trying to get answers out of her cat. Eating forms the base of most of her weekend plans. One day she’d like to create the ultimate philosoraptor meme.