Among the best memories from a trip, there are inevitably those related to food experiences.
While some may leave you blah, others have the power to take you right back to the moment of your first taste.
So pack your bags and amp up your appetite! Here’s my ultimate selection of unusual snacks found around the world. (Oh and don’t be scared of the pronunciation, you’ll eventually learn to vocalise these like a pro due to over ordering.)
Apfelstrudel [ˈapfl̩ˌʃtʀuːdl̩] (Austria)
OMG -pastry heaven right here.
Pastel de Nata [pɐʃˈtɛɫ dɨ ˈnatɐ] (Portugal)
Meaning ‘cream cake.’ I feel like even this picture taste great. No jokes.
A photo posted by O Culto da Nata (@ocultodanata) on
Zapiekanka [za.pʲɛˈkan.ka] (Poland)
An effective and customisable blend of baguette sandwich and pizza. SIF this isn’t genius?! You can try them on this trip.
Croque Monsieur [kʁɔk məsˈjøː] (France)
If you add a poached or fried egg for a hat, this instantly becomes a Croque Madame. Fact.
Bunnychow /ˈbʌni ˌtʃaʊ/ (South Africa)
Legend has it; this dish was invented as a method to carry Indian curry away. So lemme carry that curry away to my stomach, ‘k?
Here’s real life portal to this dish.
Poutine /puːˈtɪn/ (Canada)
Poutine is a clever blend of potato chips, cheese curd and brown gravy and probably the best 740 calories ever.
Poutine 😍 / 📷 credit to @snackerup #poutine #poutineville #🍟 #toronto #tofoodies
A photo posted by ToFoodies (@tofoodies) on
Pierogi /pɪˈroʊgi/ (Eastern Europe)
You never know what’s inside your pierogi until you take a bite out of it. Food for thought and a thought for food.
Try ALL the Pierogi on these trips.
Now that I’ve probably given you fooderlust1, tell us in the comments which snack you’d get on a plane for.
- A very strong or irresistible impulse to travel and explore the world, for food.