1. Your favourite colour is a mind-blowing blue.
Which means you’re going to froth over the Blue Cave. Near the island of Vis, this sunken water cave has had its fair share of admirers over the years, including one Baron Eugen von Ransonet, who was the first to pain the glowing blue light for which it’s known!
2. You love to swim.
Even better? You love to swim in warm, clear waters without a care in the world. Just a standard day in the life of a Croatian sailor.
3. Sail boats are everything.
As soon as you see a sail boat, your heart skips a beat, and you’re donning nautical stripes and a captains hat before you can say ‘sealegs’. Don’t worry, it’s a natural occurrence for someone destined for the seas of Croatia.
4. GoT.
You see scenes of Kings Landing in Game of Thrones and you have a sudden and overwhelming urge to go to there—wherever there is. Hot tip: it happens to be the ancient capital of Croatia, Dubrovnik, and it’s awesome! Walk the old stone walls and you’ll see plenty of GoT sets; the Battle of Blackwater raged on in the bay, Lovrjenac Fort became the Red Keep and Daenerys walked the walls of Minčeta Tower to enter the House of Undying. You’ll feel like an extra just being there!
5. I’m on a boat.
You think spending your mornings—and most of the daytime hours—hanging out on a deck, sunbaking is the ultimate in relaxing holiday activities. #nojudgment
6. But, you like variety.
It’s the spice of life right? And you know that the adrenaline rush option ain’t far away. If kayaking, hiking and snorkelling don’t float your boat (hooray for puns!), then we can’t help you!
7. You’re strangely okay with drinking a combination of red wine and Fanta.
It’s called mish-mash, it’s delicious, and you’ll drink it at the many beach bars dotted along the Croatia coastline.
8. You love being rocked to sleep by the motion of the waves.
There’s nothing better than drifting off to the sound of waves lapping every night.
9. Your GoPro is full of thousands of sunset selfies.
Sol, sunce, soleil; whatever you call that blazing ball of gas in the sky, when it sets over the Adriatic Sea, your mind will be officially blown.
10. If you find yourself singing in groups about love, the sea and wine, then you’re officially Dalmatian.
Klapa—which you’ll get to see in Vela Luka—is inscribed in the UNESCO list of intangible cultural heritages, and a definite culture-vulture moment.
11. ‘Aye Me Hearties’ is your signature statement.
Suitable for any situation where you need to show excitement, or agreement or anything at all, really. Said in your best pirate-speak, of course.
12. You know how to hula.
Hula Hula Beach Bar that is! Say aloha to one of Croatia’s most popular beach bars and party with the other cool-kids as the sun sets.
13. You love making new friends.
And then staying in touch with your new #besties to plan your next trip. Thank Zucks for Facebook!