Were you born to travel? Read on to find out.
- You have a relentless compulsion to drop everything and run off to Mandalay-Dar Es Salaam-Budapest-Sydney and everywhere else in-between.
You cannot get through a single day at work without feeling like you need to pack your bags right this moment to travel and Go. Explore. Everything.
- You can leave luggage behind.
You have no trouble packing your life’s belongings into a single backpack. Even if that means only taking one pair of shoes with you. Yep, life is hard.
- You live in the moment.
You can pack your bag in a flash and leap head first into your next journey the second you spot an incredible flight deal.
- But you’re also good at planning.
Yes, you’re spontaneous but you’re also a planning ninja. Let’s just say that if you don’t want to miss that secret gelato shop in Italy and still see all the major landmarks, you need a solid plan.
- Your search history is full of things like ‘weather in Washington’ and ‘what to pack for Iceland’.
Do you find yourself instinctively searching for info about places that you might one day travel to? Yep, same.
- You’re thrifty with money.
$7 in your pocket to last the day? Challenge accepted.
- Curiosity is your middle name.
You have an insatiable urge to explore the lush jungles of Thailand, sail the ocean with no idea what’s on the other side, and get lost amongst the glittering skyscrapers of Singapore.
- You’re independent.
When you’ve haggled with the locals in Asia and navigated your way through the maze that is Bangkok, there isn’t much life can throw at you that you cannot handle.
- You have an impulsive condition where you cannot stop browsing Instagram at midnight for travel inspo.
And then mentally saving all the destinations that you WILL travel to one day.
- You can fall asleep anytime and anywhere.
On a loud, super rackety train in Asia, on your suitcase in the middle of a packed airport, or maybe even in a small sailing boat in the middle of a storm. Nothing can stop you from getting your beauty sleep.
- You’ll try any food once.
Rotten shark in Iceland? Tuna eyeballs in Japan? How about fried spiders in Cambodia? Bring it on.
- Your shoes are full of holes but you can’t throw them away because memories.
The same goes for that pile of boring souvenirs that could feature in an episode of ‘Hoarders’, but there’s no way you’ll ever throw them out.
- It’s in your DNA.
There’s an answer to all of your unexplained travel urges and it goes under the name of DRD4-7R aka ‘the Wanderlust Gene’.
Fact: it makes us thirsty for new travel adventures at any time, any day. It’s official, and if science said so…
Ready to hit the road, and never look back? Find your next one-of-a-kind adventure with Topdeck HERE.
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